If you run an architectural office, construction, development or consulting company, you are a representative of a public facility or office, this offer is just for you! We conduct training in building acoustics, room acoustics and modern methods of fighting noise.
Common questions:
Acoustic materials used in public utility buildings in relation to the applicable standards
Adaptation and acoustic insulation of auditory and cinema rooms
- What is acoustic insulation and vibration isolation?
Thanks to our trainings, your knowledge of acoustics will reach a higher level!
Jeśli prowadzisz biuro architektoniczne, firmę budowlaną, deweloperską lub consultingową, jesteś przedstawicielem obiektu użyteczności publicznej lub urzędu, ta oferta skierowana jest właśnie dla Ciebie! Prowadzimy szkolenia z akustyki budowlanej, akustyki pomieszczeń oraz nowoczesnych metod walki z hałasem.
Thanks to our trainings, your knowledge of acoustics will reach a higher level!
Common questions:
Acoustic materials used in public utility buildings in relation to the applicable standards
Adaptation and acoustic insulation of auditory and cinema rooms
- What is acoustic insulation and vibration isolation?
Contact form
Frequently Asked Questions.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding acoustic issues, you can call us, write to us or make an appointment. We will be happy to answer you as much as possible. In the case of more complex projects, we offer paid consultations, implementation of an acoustic project or supervision over the implementation of a given investment.
We deal with all issues related to building acoustics and interior acoustics, such as: acoustics theory, measurements, legal regulations and standards, acoustics design, insulation, vibro-insulation, acoustic adaptation, building materials, acoustic panels, sound system, interior design, case study. The scope and subject of the training is each time adapted to the needs of the recipient. You decide to what extent and on what topics you want to train.
Yes, trainings are organized against payment for groups and companies. The price of the training depends on the size of the group and the time we want to spend on a given training (from several hours to several days of training). For an accurate quote, contact us and we will certainly prepare a personalized offer for you.