Product development
At Nyquista we approach acoustics with passion and are not afraid of new challenges. Thanks to the knowledge and experience of our engineers and designers, as well as extensive technical facilities, we approach unconventional projects and cooperation to develop and improve products that require refinement in the context of acoustics.
How can we help you?
The continuous development and improvement of the product proves our quality and innovative approach to production and services. We work to ensure that our products meet the most advanced customer requirements and set new trends in today's acoustics. We take the same approach to our customers' products. We are happy to share our knowledge and help refine or improve the acoustics of both existing products and those that are at the design stage. Whether we are working to improve the soundproofing of office acoustic booths or adapting an OB van to the needs of a mobile recording studio, we do everything we can to ensure that the products entrusted to us do their job even better.

Along with the growing awareness of acoustics, the demand for quiet and acoustically refined products increases.

Product development
We approach acoustics with passion and are not afraid of new challenges. Thanks to the knowledge and experience of our engineers and designers, as well as extensive technical facilities, we approach unconventional projects and cooperation to develop and improve products that require refinement in the context of acoustics.
How can we help you?
Ciągły rozwój i udoskonalanie produktu świadczy o jakości oraz innowacyjnym podejściu do produkcji i usług. Pracujemy nad tym aby nasze produkty spełniały najbardziej zaawansowane wymagania klienta i wyznaczały nowe trendy w dzisiejszej akustyce. W taki sam sposób podchodzimy do produktów naszych klientów. Chętnie dzielimy się wiedzą i pomagamy dopracować lub udoskonalać pod kątem akustyki zarówno produkty istniejące jak i te, które są dopiero w fazie projektowej. Niezależnie od tego czy pracujemy nad poprawą wyciszenia budek akustycznych w przestrzeni biurowej czy adaptujemy wóz transmisyjny na potrzeby mobilnego studia nagrań dokładamy wszelkich starań aby powierzone nam produkty jeszcze lepiej spełniały swoje zadanie.

Along with the growing awareness of acoustics, the demand for quiet and acoustically refined products increases.