We create acoustically refined offices in cooperation with experienced interior designers.
We create acoustically refined offices in cooperation with experienced interior designers.
Telephone calls, the sound of typewriters, photocopiers or coffee machines are sounds that have long been associated with a busy office. Paradoxically, it is noise pollution that is most often found to be particularly annoying and distracting. A feature of a well-designed acoustic office, therefore, is adequate noise and disturbance isolation while producing the desired sounds. When designing acoustic offices, we focus on the practical dimension. We create an accurate model of your space and select products that provide open-plan office workers with peace and comfort in their own space.

Telephone calls, the sound of typewriters, photocopiers or coffee machines are sounds that have long been associated with a busy office. Paradoxically, it is noise pollution that is most often found to be particularly annoying and distracting. A feature of a well-designed acoustic office, therefore, is adequate noise and disturbance isolation while producing the desired sounds. When designing acoustic offices, we focus on the practical dimension. We create an accurate model of your space and select products that provide open-plan office workers with peace and comfort in their own space.

Did you know that?
A properly designed acoustically designed office space can significantly increase the efficiency and comfort of work and stimulate the creativity of employees!
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Did you know that?
A properly designed acoustically designed office space can significantly increase the efficiency and comfort of work and stimulate the creativity of employees!
What will you gain by investing in acoustics?

1. Greater comfort and concentration of employees
Thanks to the use of products such as EcoScreen Desk, you can easily create an individual position for your employee. It will provide more privacy and make it easier to focus.
2. Better space management
By using products such as Office Divider or EcoScreen, we can divide a large open space into smaller sections without the necessary construction work. This solution combines the freedom of communication known from an open space office with the peace and quiet of the office.

3. Acoustics and aesthetics
When implementing our solutions, you do not have to choose between design and usability. We have a wide range of products that we can also personalize for your project to give your space an extraordinary character.
4. Legal Compliance
We design office spaces in accordance with the guidelines set out by the current standards.

What will you gain by investing in acoustics?

1. Greater comfort and concentration of employees
Thanks to the use of products such as EcoScreen Desk, you can easily create an individual position for your employee. It will provide more privacy and make it easier to focus.

2. Better space management
By using products such as Office Divider or EcoScreen, we can divide a large open space into smaller sections without the necessary construction work. This solution combines the freedom of communication known from an open space office with the peace and quiet of the office.

3. Acoustics and aesthetics
When implementing our solutions, you do not have to choose between design and usability. We have a wide range of products that we can also personalize for your project to give your space an extraordinary character.

4. Legal Compliance
We design office spaces in accordance with the guidelines set out by the current standards.
Realizations of office spaces
Find out about the stories of the companies we have helped

ZenDesk, jako energiczna firma z branży IT, z entuzjazmem kreuje rozwiązania ułatwiające interakcje pomiędzy klientami a przedsiębiorstwami. Niedawno mieliśmy zaszczyt współpracować z zespołem projektowym The Design Group przy kształtowaniu ich biura w Krakowie.

Dla firmy Xperi zrealizowaliśmy sufit w postaci EcoBaffli, które nie tylko doskonale poprawiają akustykę przestrzeni, ale również wyróżniają się ciekawą i przemyślaną paletą kolorów. Połączenie różnych odcieni nadało wnętrzu nowoczesny, dynamiczny charakter, jednocześnie zachowując estetyczną harmonię.

VML Poznań
VML, wcześniej znana jako WTT, to globalna firma łącząca kreatywność z nowoczesnymi technologiami. Specjalizuje się w marketingu, komunikacji oraz innowacyjnych rozwiązaniach cyfrowych, tworząc unikalne strategie dla największych marek na świecie. Ich przestrzenie biurowe odzwierciedlają wartości firmy – to miejsca, w których design spotyka się z funkcjonalnością, a kreatywne podejście wspiera efektywną współpracę zespołów.
W tej realizacji postawiliśmy na lampy akustyczne z linii EcoLine, które nie tylko poprawiają komfort akustyczny, ale również stanowią wyjątkowy element aranżacji wnętrza.
design process
1. Collecting information
- Inventory of facility
- Defining functionality of spaces
- Analysis of needs and potential threats
- Analysis of the building structure and electrical installation
- Execution of acoustic measurements
2. Data Analysis
- Creating acoustic simulations
- Analysis of measurements and data collected
- Calculation of acoustic parameters
- Development of a preliminary design concept
- Consultations with architects, investor
3. Designing
- Design of insulation and acoustic adaptation
- Optimization of the design in terms of effectiveness and costs
- Selection of acoustic materials and construction
- Creation of a 3D visualisation of a room
- Preparation of an investment cost estimate
4. Realization
- Development of technical documentation
- Preparation of a work schedule
- Production / preparation of acoustic panels
- Execution of works and author's supervision over completion
- As-built acoustic measurements
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Frequently Asked Questions.
Acoustic panels should be adapted to the specifics of a given facility. We offer many products for acoustic insulation and adaptation, which is why our architects and acousticians will help in choosing the right solutions. In the case of more complex projects, we provide consultations based on the performed calculations, measurements and acoustic simulations.
Each Nyquista product, depending on its intended use, has the necessary documentation, such as: a technical sheet, declaration of conformity, fire classification, hygiene certificate, acoustic tests, etc. In the case of non-standard acoustic panels, we prepare technical documentation of the materials they are made of.
Yes, most Nyquista acoustic panels have the necessary documentation for installation in public facilities. Panels mounted by us on the ceiling are characterized by an appropriate fire classification, in accordance with applicable standards and legal regulations.
Nyquista acoustic panels are made of materials of the highest class of sound absorption. The exact absorption characteristics and effectiveness in a given room depends on factors such as: the type of acoustic panels, their construction, number, size or arrangement. In the case of soundproofing mats, we use closed-cell materials with a very high insulation coefficient for acoustic insulation.
We adjust the dimensions of acoustic panels to a specific project. The maximum size of one panel from the Ecoline series is 145 x 245 cm (they can be joined together). In the case of the Fiber Color series, the maximum size is 33 x 33 cm or 30 x 60 cm. Fabric Levels upholstered acoustic panels can have a size of 140 x 200 cm. NyquiSystem acoustic panels are cut from 280 x 207 cm boards.
The stretch ceilings and walls of NyquiWall and NyquiWall Mural form a uniform structure. They have no dimensional restrictions. Delicate joints of the stretched material fall according to the width of the beam (depending on the fabric used, every 140-500 cm).
Yes, as long as graphics or photos with the appropriate resolution are used. Of course, the larger the print area, the better the photo quality is required. Before starting the implementation, our employees verify whether the selected graphic is suitable for printing.
Yes, most of our acoustic panels are adapted to a given project. We like challenges, so we often design new patterns or use unusual materials. We also work with many specialists in various fields of production. If you have an interesting project or idea for an acoustic panel, we will do our best to implement it.
Due to the fact that the projects we implement usually require an individual approach and comprehensive solutions, we do not have a fixed price list. Each acoustic project is priced individually. The price of the products depends on the quantity, type and complexity of the project.
The minimum order depends on the type of acoustic panels. Usually it is 10 m2.
Acoustics is a field that covers many issues, which is why we approach it comprehensively. The projects we implement require supervision of the entire process. Hence, we deal with the design, acoustic measurements, production of acoustic panels and their distribution.
Yes, we employ qualified teams that specialize in the installation of insulation and acoustic adaptation. Thanks to this, we take responsibility for the correct operation of our solutions. If the acoustic panels are installed by the customer, we provide the necessary instructions. On request, we also supervise the supported project implementation.
Brochures and catalog cards of most acoustic panels can be downloaded from our website - main menu, "download" tab or on product subpages. If there is something you cannot find on the website, please contact us and we will send you the necessary materials.